Cupid in Crisis Page 10
“You spent years doing this?” I was horrified at the thought. “Dude, why not get a girlfriend or something? That’s a much better endeavor.”
“That’s what I said,” Hadley supplied. “He kept going back to that storage room and tearing it apart. Then he realized the lounge was above it and decided to search it. He was annoyed that Jay had taken over the lounge. He thought Jay was at the beach, and when he was interrupted he smacked Jay over the head with the bookend. He thought he killed him and went back to work as if nothing happened.”
“That’s lovely,” Galen drawled, shaking his head.
“When he found out Jay was alive, he panicked because he knew Jay would eventually identify him,” Hadley explained. “That’s when he decided the best way to find what he was looking for was to utilize a witch … even though I told him I couldn’t help.
“He suckered me out of the lobby by saying you’d called and needed help, Galen, and I was already isolated before I realized he was lying,” she continued. “He made me help him put a big hole in the wall upstairs and then he forced me into this dank basement. I hate it here, by the way, and I want to go home.”
Galen slid his arm around her and tugged her to his side. “I’ll take you home and spoil you rotten as soon as I arrest Nick.”
“You can’t take her home until the photo shoot is over,” I argued.
“And after the photo shoot is finished,” he added. “After that, I’ll spoil you rotten tonight.”
Hadley’s expression brightened. “Deal.” She turned on her heel, and then paused as Galen removed his cuffs from his belt. “By the way, I was lying to Nick. I do sense something behind that wall.” She pointed for my benefit. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s treasure back there. Your friend June might be a rich lady after all.”
I widened my eyes. “Are you serious?”
She nodded. “I got a flash of something glittering in my head … and not shiny colors or anything, so no snide remarks. It’s up to you to dig it out. I’m done with this place.”
“I’ve got it.” I scratched an itch on the side of my nose, hoping one of the spiders Hadley mentioned wasn’t crawling across my face. “Are you sure you don’t want a finder’s fee or something?”
“Nope. That’s June’s treasure. All I want is a bath and crab legs.”
“You’re getting both,” Galen assured her as he cuffed Nick’s hands behind his back. “In fact, you’re getting whatever you can stomach tonight … even if it’s ten pounds of lobster and a whole cheesecake. You’ve earned it.”
I felt that way, too.
JUNE WAS OUT OF SURGERY at five, but she didn’t fully wake until almost nine. She was groggy and confused when she saw me sitting at her bedside.
“Is it over?” she rasped. “Am I going to lose the hotel?”
“No.” It was difficult, but I managed to keep my smile hidden … at least for a few moments. Then I crumbled like a stale cookie. “The hotel is yours for as long as you want it.”
“The photo shoot went well then?”
“It did. I don’t know if it matters. You’re independently wealthy now.”
“Oh, yeah?” Her eyes lit with amusement. “How do you figure that?”
“Well, I have a story to tell you.” With little preamble, I launched into the tale. When I was finished, she was agog.
“Are you sure I’m not dreaming this?” she asked after a moment.
“I opened up the wall myself. Then I closed it until you can take a look for yourself. That might be a bit given the stairs, so you might want me to bring it to you when you’re back on your feet. It shouldn’t be too difficult to get back in. We need to watch the entrance, so I’ve shut off that lounge on the second floor.”
“Are you saying that treasure was real all along?”
“And it’s mine?”
“You’re Captain Seaver’s last remaining relative. It’s yours.”
“I don’t believe it.” She fell silent, which I allowed because I knew she was dealing with a lot. Finally, she shook her head. “Did Galen help you find it?”
“Galen was dealing with Nick. It’s not all good news. Nick is in jail and will be facing attempted murder charges, so you’re down a concierge. There’s also a hole in the wall upstairs that I need to eventually fix. And the photographer you were dealing with is still in the hospital. He might not be happy the next time you see him.”
“Who cares about that?” Mrs. Seaver was back to her bubbly self. “I don’t need his money now.”
“You still might get it. The models were gushing over the tremendous job Jareth did. You might be getting paid twice this month.”
“Isn’t that something?” She appeared tickled. “Where is Galen?”
“He said I should give you the good news. He thought I earned it. He promised Hadley a night of seafood and being spoiled. I think he’s making good on it.”
She chuckled. “They’re kind of cute, huh?”
“They are, but I’ll never admit it to him.”
“That’s your way. Now we just need to find you a woman.”
“I’m not sure that’s in the cards.”
“Oh, it is.” She sounded sure of herself. “I’ll help you find her as soon as I’m on my feet and back to full strength. We’ll tear this island apart to find you a mate.”
That sounded like torture.
“How about I just fix your fence and wall and we’ll call it even?”
“No way. Now I have something to look forward to.”
I couldn’t take that … even from her. “Well, we’ll see when you’re feeling better.” It wasn’t exactly a promise, but she would hold me to it all the same. I leaned back in my chair. “Tell me what you’re going to buy – and make it something extravagant.”
“Good idea. We should make a list.”
“This will be the most fun I’ve had all day.”
“That’s a little sad.”
“Things are looking up. I’m here with you.”
Her smile was infectious. “That’s how I always feel when I see you.”
It didn’t sound like lip service, because I knew she really meant it. And because of that, everything I’d gone through the last two days was pushed out of my mind. Things could’ve been worse, after all.
From where I sat, it was a good day.
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About the Author
I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my novels. I have a particular brand of humor that isn’t for everyone – and I know that.
If you liked the book, please take a few minutes and leave a review. An independent author does it all on their own, and the reviews are helpful. I understand that my characters aren’t for everyone, though. There’s a lot of snark and sarcasm in my world – and I know some people don’t like that.
Special thanks go out to Heidi Bitsoli and Phil VanHulle for correcting the (numerous) errors that creep into a work of fiction.
If you’re interested in my future works, follow me on Facebook, Twitter or join my mailing list. I do not believe in spam. I only announce new releases or free promotions.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
For more information:
Books by Amanda M. Lee
An Avery Shaw Mystery
Who, What, Where, When, Die
If it Bleeds, it Leads
Buried Leads
Shot Off The Presses
The Preditorial Page
Misquoted & Demoted
Headlines & Deadlines
Misprints & Mistakes
Bylines & Skylines
Off the Record
Unwritten & Underwater
Extra! Extra! Dead All About It
On Deadline & Under Fire
Above the Fold & Below the Belt
A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Mystery
Any Witch Way You Can
Every Witch Way But Wicked
Witching You Were Here
Witching on a Star
Something to Witch About
Witch Me Luck
Life’s a Witch
Charms & Witchdemeanors
The Trouble With Witches
Murder Most Witchy
A Witch Before Dying
A Breath of Witchy Air
Witch, Interrupted
Flip the Witch Switch
A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Short
Careful What You Witch For
Wicked Brew
On a Witch and a Prayer
You Only Witch Once
The Christmas Witch
A Solstice Celebration
Witchdependence Day
Happy Witchgiving
Merry Witchmas
Four-Leaf Clover
Thistle While You Work
Landon Calling
I Dream of Twila
How Aunt Tillie Stole Christmas
A Wicked Witches of the Midwest Fantasy
Witchy Tales
A Witch In Time
Make A Witch
A Witchmas Carol
All My Witches
Close Encounters of the Witchy Kind
An Aisling Grimlock Mystery
Grim Tidings
Grim Offerings
Grim Discovery
Grim Reunion
Grim Expectations
Grim Holiday
Grim Rising
Grim Tempest
Grim Vows
Grimlock Family Shorts
Grim Like Me
Grim & The City
Now & Grim
Grim & Bear It
Grim & The Dead
Death Gate Grim Reapers
Only the Lonely
Only the Quiet
A Mystic Caravan Mystery
Freaky Days
Freaky Lies
Freaky Hearts
Freaky Games
Freaky Places
Freaky Rites
Freaky Witches
A Charlie Rhodes Cozy Mystery
The Bigfoot Blunder
The Chupacabra Catastrophe
The Werewolf Whoops
The Megalodon Mix-Up
The Undead Uproar
A Moonstone Bay Cozy Mystery
Witchin’ USA
Witch Out of Water
Freaky Deaky Tiki
A Spell’s Angels Cozy Mystery
Bad to the Crone
Covenant College
Waxing & Waning
Living Covenant Trilogy
Rising Covenant
Dark Covenant
Eternal Covenant
Dying Covenant Trilogy
Haunted Covenant
Desperate Covenant
Everlasting Covenant
2019 Shorts
Wolf on the Job
Luke on the Loose
Elemental Witches of Eternal Springs
Bat Out Of Spell
Spell on Earth
Hotter Than Spell
Spell or High Water