Freaky Deaky Tiki Read online

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  That sounded unlikely. “I’m not tense.” I smoothed my dress and fussed with my hair. “What? I’m not.”

  “You’re afraid the people on the island won’t accept you, but that’s not true. You’re May’s granddaughter. You’re accepted on those grounds alone. If you want to make friends, you have to loosen up.”

  “I’m plenty loose.”

  “That’s the word on the street.” He gave me a saucy wink to let me know he was kidding. “Look at your friend Aisling.” He inclined his head toward the center of the room. “She doesn’t know anyone and she’s the life of the party.”

  “I know. I’m jealous.”

  He snickered. “Look more closely. She only plays well with men. Do you see any women around her?”

  I hadn’t even considered that. “I guess not.”

  “That’s because the other women don’t like her.” He gestured toward the far corner, where a group of Moonstone Bay’s finest gossips had their heads bent together. They occasionally cast a look in Aisling’s direction, and I was sure they were talking about her. “Aisling feels more comfortable with men. That’s probably because she was raised in a house full of them.”

  “Her best friend is a man, too. She mentioned it earlier today. Jerry.”

  “I don’t see how her husband puts up with a male best friend, but he seems as enamored with her as everyone else.”

  “Yeah.” I smiled as Griffin watched his wife wow the room. “What do you think she’s doing over there? She never struck me as the life of the party, and yet she seems to be having a great time.”

  “She’s looking for information on Jacob, trying to figure out where his soul might be. It’s obvious she’s trying to steer the conversation toward Jacob. She’s very good at manipulating people. I have to hand it to her. They have no idea what she’s doing.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess I should walk around and mingle.”

  “Relax,” Booker ordered. “You’re already one of us, whether you realize it or not.”

  I SPENT THE NEXT HOUR chatting with a variety of people. Even though I felt self-conscious, no one treated me as if I were an outsider. The more people I talked to, the more comfortable I became. I was feeling pretty good about myself when I happened to stop by the appetizer table and noticed Griffin and Galen talking on the other side. They hadn’t noticed me – and I was curious – so I decided to listen. In a casual and unobtrusive way, of course.

  “Where’s your lovely wife?” Galen drawled.

  “Hanging out with the members of Jacob’s construction crew. She’s trying to get leads on where we might be able to track down Jacob’s soul.”

  “She seems awfully dedicated for a woman who is supposed to be on vacation.”

  “No, it’s not that. She knows what can happen to a soul that’s not treated properly. She saw it happen to her mother. She wants to help if she can.”

  “What’s the deal with her mother?” Galen lowered his voice. “I’ve heard you mention her a few times. That sounds like an ugly business.”

  “It was. I don’t want to spend a lot of time talking about it because it makes me upset — and she’s nowhere near over it — but suffice to say she understands about souls, and what happens if they’re fragmented. Her mother’s soul split when she died the first time. The pure half, the part that was really her mother, moved on. What remained behind had her mother’s memories but none of the emotions that should’ve been there.”

  My heart rolled at the thought. Aisling made jokes about her mother, the occasional crack about a tortured soul, but she never delved into the deep stuff. I was starting to understand why.

  “I’m sorry for that. How did the rest of the family take it?”

  “Aisling knew when she came back that she wasn’t right. She tried to work around it for her brothers’ sake, but she couldn’t accept what she was being told. In the end, she had a choice to make: save one of her brothers — the one who gives her nothing but grief — or save the shell of her mother.”

  “I’m guessing she saved the brother.”

  “Yes, and he’s still not over it either. He was the one closest with their mother. He’s trying to accept everything that happened, but it’s hard on all of them. The honeymoon couldn’t have come at a better time. I want Aisling to deal with her emotions about what happened away from her brothers and father. She should have a chance to feel what she wants to feel without them influencing her.”

  “And what does she feel?”

  “Sadness ... and relief.”

  “Is that why you let her get away with murder?” Galen sounded legitimately curious. “I mean ... I don’t want to tell you your business, man, but you need to put your foot down with that woman. She wears trouble like other women do earrings.”

  Griffin chuckled. “You have no idea.”

  “And yet you seem fine with it.”

  “I don’t know that ‘fine’ is the word,” he countered, shifting from one foot to the other. “She is who she is and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. I fell in love with her because of who she is. I don’t want to change her now that we’re married.”

  “She’s pregnant,” Galen reminded him. “If she gets hurt ... or falls down a hill ... or gets in a golf cart accident, she could lose the baby. Is that what you want?”

  “Of course not.” Griffin’s gaze darkened. “I don’t ever want her in danger, but she finds trouble. I can’t change that. If I try, I’ll become bitter and then I’ll turn on her. It will destroy our marriage.

  “I fell in love with a strong woman,” he continued. “So did you. No, don’t bother denying it. I see the way you look at Hadley. You might not quite be to the ‘love’ part of your relationship, but you’re well on your way.

  “She’s strong, too,” he said. “Sure, she’s a little unsure right now. Aisling says it’s because she recently discovered she was a witch. My understanding is that she was freaking amazing this afternoon and saved my wife and unborn child, along with herself. You have to be proud of that.”

  “I didn’t say I wasn’t proud.” Galen sounded frustrated. “I want her to be able to take care of herself. She doesn’t know the ways of the island yet. She could get in real trouble if she’s not careful. I won’t always be there to get her out of it.”

  “That’s the thing about being with a strong woman. They don’t always need you to get them out of trouble. Sure, I’ve been with Aisling a few times and helped. She’s been with me a few times and helped, too. Once she stood in the rain when a magical storm was trying to make me kill her. Armed only with her mouth and heart, she somehow broke a spell she had no business breaking.

  “If the rules had stuck the way they were supposed to stick, I would’ve killed her,” he continued. “But I didn’t. She saved both of us. She had the strength inside her the entire time. Hadley has that strength, too. You have to trust her.”

  “I do trust her,” Galen supplied. “I just don’t want to lose her.”

  “You have to learn to balance the fear and find your faith.” Griffin was solemn. “When I finally did that with Aisling, it was as if the world became easier to live in. Our life isn’t perfect, but I know she can take care of herself. I don’t want to change her. I fell in love with who she is. If you want to change Hadley, you should probably get out now. That’s not fair to her.”

  “I don’t want to change her,” Galen huffed. “I like who she is. I just want to protect her.”

  “That’s man thinking, as Aisling would call it. Just because they’re women doesn’t mean they can’t take care of themselves.”

  “I guess, but ... you still worry, don’t you?”

  “All the time. But I have faith. I’ve seen what she can do. She’s a hundred wonderful things wrapped in one small package.”

  “And that package is all mouth,” Galen complained.

  “Yes, well, the mouth is an acquired taste.”

  “She does have a way about her.”



  Griffin caught me eavesdropping, but didn’t say anything. He merely smiled and winked while keeping Galen busy so I could make my escape. I found Lilac on the far side of the room talking to Casey, so I decided now was as good a time as any to pay my respects.

  Casey, her face sallow, had shadows under her eyes big enough to hide in. I was hesitant as I approached, but my resolve was firm.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  She furrowed her brow as she looked me up and down, waiting until Lilac made a discreet escape to speak. “I feel like I should know you, but ... I don’t. I’m sorry.” Her voice was soft, barely audible.

  “Hadley Hunter.” I extended my hand. “We met on the dock the other night. I ... um ... you probably don’t remember me. You had other things on your mind.”

  “On the dock.” She nodded slowly. “Right. You’re Galen’s girlfriend.”

  “Among other things.”

  “I didn’t mean that in a dismissive way.”

  “I didn’t take it that way.” I forced a tight-lipped smile. “People have been talking about your relationship with Jacob, how you were high school sweethearts and stuck together through thick and thin. I’m so sorry.”

  “Yes, well ... .” She broke off, her voice cracking.

  I gave her a moment to recover, tilting my head to the side when I heard the distinctive sound of drums. “What’s that?” I swiveled and looked over my shoulder, but the jukebox was playing the same melancholy music as before.

  “What’s what?” Casey asked, confused.

  “The drums. Do you hear drums?”

  She shook her head. “Am I supposed to hear drums?”

  “I ... I guess I must be hearing things.” The drumming had since faded, making me think perhaps the sound came from a passing shuttle or golf cart. “How are you feeling otherwise? I mean ... how is the baby?”

  “He ... or she, we never did find out ... is doing okay. The doctor wants me to take it easy. I’m not sure that’s possible. Not with Jacob’s killer running loose. I mean ... what’s to stop whoever did this from coming after me?”

  “I’m sure you’re not a target.” I meant it, but even as the words left my mouth I realized how ridiculous they sounded. Of course she would be afraid. The husband she’d loved since childhood was coldly stolen from her. Anyone would be frightened under those circumstances. “Maybe your parents can stay with you or something.”

  “They have been, but my mother is suggesting I move in with her until after the baby is born. That way I can go there after leaving the hospital and have help under the same roof.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  “I don’t know if I want to do that.” Casey’s eyes turned glassy. “Jacob and I shared that home together. We did the baby’s room together. It seems like that’s where I should be. I don’t know. Maybe I’m being ridiculous.”

  “You’re going through a lot,” I offered. “You should do whatever feels right to you. Jacob would want that. I didn’t know him, but everything I’ve seen indicates that he would want that more than anything.”

  “You’re probably right.” Casey turned wistful as she looked toward the window. The second she closed her eyes, I heard the drums again. This time they were accompanied by chanting. I couldn’t make out the words, which were muffled and overlapped one another, but a chill ran up my spine as I tried to calm myself.

  “I should probably get back. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I was about your husband.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  I left Casey, gratified that her mother appeared to be walking across the room to comfort her daughter. That allowed me to walk through the front door and plant myself on the sidewalk. I listened as hard as I could, hoping to pick up the chanting and drums again so perhaps I could follow the sound to the source, but I heard nothing even though I waited for what felt like a really long time.

  “What are you doing out here?” Galen asked, his eyes filled with concern as he took in my drawn countenance.

  “I’m kind of afraid to tell you.”

  “I want to build this relationship on trust.”

  “Oh, yeah?”


  “Okay, well, first I should tell you that I was eavesdropping when you were talking to Griffin,” I announced, rubbing my hands over my stomach as I tried to shake the remaining chills left by the chanting. “I heard you ask him about putting up with Aisling’s mouth and I listened as he told you that strong women need to be given freedom to do stupid things.”

  Amusement slid across his handsome features. “I don’t believe that’s what he actually said.”

  “It’s close.”

  “No, he said he fell in love with a strong woman and doesn’t regret it. He said I wouldn’t regret it either — which I believe — and he also said that his wife is a royal pain in the behind.”

  “I think you embellished that part.”

  “He said it with his eyes, not his lips.”

  I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. “Nice save.”

  “I thought so.”

  I licked my lips and prepared to tell him the second part. “I heard something weird when I was trying to talk to Casey. The thing is, I don’t know if I really heard it. I’m afraid I imagined it.”

  “What did you hear?”

  I explained about the chants and drums. He made me reenact the drum sounds twice, which is when I caught on that he was having a bit of fun with me. Still, when I finished, he was somber.

  “Aisling mentioned they were playing drums at the Maboli campsite. Was it the same sound?”

  “I don’t know. I think the rhythm was different. If you’re asking if the sounds came from the same drums, I have no idea.”

  “Well, it’s weird, but I don’t know what we can do about it.” He opened his arms and pulled me in for a hug, swaying back and forth as he considered our options. “I guess we can’t do anything but wait.”

  “I guess.” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, surprising both of us. “Thanks for not thinking I’m crazy.”

  “I would never think that.”

  “Lesser men might.”

  “I’m not a lesser man.” He held out his hand. “Come on. Let’s go in and say our goodbyes. I think we could both use a break from all this for the rest of the night.”

  “What did you have in mind?”

  His smile was impish. “I’m betting you can figure it out.”

  “It’s like you were reading my mind.”

  WE WERE BREATHLESS AND giddy when we got back to the lighthouse. Wesley’s truck was in the driveway and he was sitting in the living room playing a board game with May when we practically fell through the door.

  Galen caught me before I could hit the floor, his lips pressed to mine, and he made a face when Wesley growled in disgust.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he warned, extending a quelling finger with one hand while he kept his other arm wrapped around my waist. “I don’t want to hear one word. We’re going upstairs ... to bed ... and you’re not going to say a thing about it.”

  “Aren’t they cute?” May beamed. “They remind me of us when we first got together. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other either.”

  Wesley scowled. “I don’t think it’s appropriate. You should drop her off and go home, Galen. She’s going to get a bad reputation.”

  “Oh, that memo was sent in high school,” I said, laughing when Galen rubbed his cheek against mine. “It’s okay. I don’t really mind having a bad reputation.”

  “Well, I mind.”

  “It’s not your house,” Galen pointed out, refusing to release his grip on me. “I get that she’s your granddaughter and you have certain ideas about how she should act, but it’s not the fifties and she’s an adult. Besides that, you don’t live here.”

  “He’s right about that, Wesley,” May intoned. “She’s an adult.”

  “How can you be okay with
this, May?” Wesley was incredulous. “They’re not married.”

  “Neither were we.”

  Wesley’s eyebrows flew up his forehead. “That was a secret! You swore to take it to your grave.”

  “And I did.” May did a little twirl under the light so she could emphasize the fact that we could see through her. “They’re adults. They’re responsible. Let them have their fun.”

  “Well, I can’t stay here for this.” He got up on shaky legs. “I have to leave.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow ... I’m sure.” I was firm as I held his gaze. “It’s going to be okay. I swear it.”

  “Whatever.” Wesley was morose as he started putting away the board game. “Just wait until I’m out of here.”

  “Hurry,” Galen suggested, dragging me toward the stairs. “Oh, and lock the door on your way out. There are killers out there ... and I’m not entirely sure that Hadley hasn’t inadvertently made herself a target with her visit out to the sticks today.”

  “I’ll handle the locks.” Wesley pinned Galen with a dark look. “You’d better be good to her. I’ll blow your kneecaps off if you aren’t.”

  “I swear I’ll be good to her. You don’t have to worry about that. I want to be good to her.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “Get over it.”

  I WOKE TO THE WARM feeling of Galen’s breath on my forehead. We were wrapped around each other, the sheets pulled up to our waists, and the sun was filtering in through the window. It was an absolutely perfect morning.

  “Hey.” He stirred, brushed a kiss against my forehead as he moved to stretch. “How are you?”

  “Pretty good.” I meant it. I felt good, rejuvenated even. There was something about being close to him that charged my battery, so to speak. I didn’t know how to explain it.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, dragging me back to reality.

  I shrugged, embarrassed to be caught thinking such ridiculously schmaltzy thoughts. “I was thinking that it’s nice waking up with you.”


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